Inspiration Gallery

acceptance is the beginning

Make an obstinate decision to be happy
Hold on to what is good MBM
The little light of mine I'm gonna let it shine
The heart is the thousand stringed - Hafiz
The grass isnt always greener
be the kind of person who
Can you see all the miracles in front of you
Advice from a tree3

14 Comments on “Inspiration Gallery

  1. Love you page just clicked on a shared picture and found your page just beautiful – thank you for creating it – namaste

  2. Thank you Ann! The site is still very much under construction! I am learning as I go, but it’s very intensive work for a non-coder 🙂 Setting up a store is quite daunting! I will announce on my FB page when the site is ready for prime time (hoping August 1). Hope you’ll come back then!

    xo Margaret

  3. Thank you for allowing me to enjoy the beauty of your site! So inspiring. …❤✌

  4. Life is good. Then I found you. Now, life is better than good. Life is beautifully mine. Thank you.

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